Workplace Romance, Office Flings? Oh...What To Do?
Flings in the Office or Workplace
I ran across an article after Googling on the topic, which happened to be an interesting read. Marty Nemko, the author of “Career Center: Cubicle love: Tips for workplace dating” (2006), handles the biased issue of workplace romance. Wait a second, don’t deny it. I’m sure we’ve experienced a fling or two, and if not our own, we’ve at least witnessed a fellow employee’s affair within the company. Why are office relationships significant to employee behavior issues?
Several weeks ago, I realized that one of my managers began a workplace relationship with one of my cashiers. While I’ve been a spectator of all sorts of office romances since my first job in high school; they never really bothered me. And to this day, I accept them as the norms of any human and business element. Of course however, more recently, they’ve become more and more of an inconvenience, a nuisance if you will, that has restricted some of my employees’ productivity and workmanship. Okay, I lied, honestly, it has become exceptionally disturbing. Why you ask?
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