Management Vs. Leadership: The Real Difference

Management Vs. Leadership: The Real Difference

Managers that comprehend management theories are not born as leaders with leadership qualities or may not posses any form of leadership quality. However, leaders with leadership qualities are instinctive managers of proper management toward any task. Management is “the act or art of managing: the conducting or supervising of something ‘as a business’ (Merriam Webster, n.d., Definition 1).” Although management functions and traits are a full comprehension of occurrences and tasks, an attribute of leadership may not exist within. Leadership is “the act or instance of leading (Merriam Webster, n.d., Definition 3).”

(Patty Inglish writes a great hub defining "The Difference Between a Manager and a Leader.")

Within the organizational structure of my previous employer, our echelon’s high chief portrayed and exercised traits that made him a great leader and manager.

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Workplace Romance, Office Flings? Oh...What To Do?

Workplace Romance, Office Flings? Oh...What To Do?

Flings in the Office or Workplace

I ran across an article after Googling on the topic, which happened to be an interesting read. Marty Nemko, the author of “Career Center: Cubicle love: Tips for workplace dating” (2006), handles the biased issue of workplace romance. Wait a second, don’t deny it. I’m sure we’ve experienced a fling or two, and if not our own, we’ve at least witnessed a fellow employee’s affair within the company. Why are office relationships significant to employee behavior issues?
Several weeks ago, I realized that one of my managers began a workplace relationship with one of my cashiers. While I’ve been a spectator of all sorts of office romances since my first job in high school; they never really bothered me. And to this day, I accept them as the norms of any human and business element. Of course however, more recently, they’ve become more and more of an inconvenience, a nuisance if you will, that has restricted some of my employees’ productivity and workmanship. Okay, I lied, honestly, it has become exceptionally disturbing. Why you ask?

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Management and Leadership Quality: Ways to Influence an Organization

Management and Leadership Quality: Ways to Influence an Organization

Management and Leadership Skills are Limitless

Robbins and Judge note, “in the early part of the twentieth century, a French industrialist by the name of Henri Fayol wrote that all managers perform five management functions: They plan, organize, command, coordinate, and control. Today, we have condensed these to four: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling” (2007, Management Functions).

Skills in management and leadership are limitless; and vary based on an individual’s personality traits, or, transactional or transformational leadership styles.

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Types of Buyers and Consumers - Their Characteristics and Marketing

Buyers and Consumers : Consumer Market and Business Market

Different Types of Buyers and Consumers - The characteristics of buyers and the factors that influence their purchasing decision.

The different types of buyers and consumers are combined within several major categories, the consumer market and the business market. Amid these two major categories, the consumer/buyer market is comprised of individuals and households that purchase “goods and services for personal consumption,” whereas the business market encompasses organizational entities that purchase goods and services for the “use in the production of other products and services or for the purpose of reselling or renting them to others at a profit.”

Business markets possess a smaller amount of large buyers, unlike the consumer market, and whose consuming traits are “more geographically concentrated.” Dependent on the type of buyer and consumer, characteristics through decision processes may differ. For instance, the consumer market’s behavior is “influenced by four key sets of buyer characteristics: cultural, social, personal and psychological.” Culture, is defined by social class and group wants and behaviors; social, incorporates the factors of influences by family and small groups that determine ideal brands and products; personal adopts the different age groups and lifestyles, and psychological, utilizes motivators and perception of “beliefs and attitudes.” Additionaly, the business market’s behavior is influenced by a buying center that displays “three types of buying situations: straight rebuys, modified rebuys, and new tasks.”

Know the type of Buyer or Consumer, and how they impact a marketing strategy. How to ensure a market strategy’s effectiveness toward the target market.

Buyers ranging from individual consumers to organization consumers are distinct from one another based on consuming behavior. Such behaviors can vary from the different influences, and comprehending the consumers’ purchasing characteristics or market segmentation, can identify the plethora of strategic marketing tools to implement. Due to the amount of time and costs that research requires to isolate and locate their consumers or business market, an organization can ensure their marketing strategy is appropriate by practicing target marketing or questioning center participants, center participants’ influence, environments, organizations, and interpersonal characteristics.

Concisely, target marketing defines the relationship between a consumer and product based on market segmentation, which is the dividing of the buyers market into categorical segments, such as needs or characteristics; then the process of evaluating segments based on attractiveness, which in turn, subsequently determines the appropriate position to competitively perform for the benefit of the target consumer. All of these strategies are interpreted as a basis for marketing research and as stated in my previous response, can determine the appropriate strategic plan and collective budget.

Honor, Courage, and Commitment: The United States Navy


The United States Navy follows three major words as core values to develop positive relationships with people, countries, and governments.

Honor, Courage and Commitment were the words I swore to. They were the seeds considered necessary to be successful toward a vital decision process in the management of human lives.
One word but yet so sound, the word Honor is an absolute decision in itself. It is the decision with action to value others and ourselves with devotion. The United States Navy’s definition of Honor is, “ I will bear true faith and allegiance ...” Accordingly, we will: Conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner in all relationships with peers, superiors and subordinates; Be honest and truthful in our dealings with each other, and with those outside the Navy; (United States Navy, n.d., ¶ 2)…” The United States Navy has followed this ethical code of Honor by providing life changing and saving duties around the world.

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Litigation, Torts, and Liability: Measuring Risk and Managing It

Traditional Litigation: Encountering Risks and Reducing Exposure
When dealing with traditional litigation, a business or organization will risk scrutiny of the company’s image or brand, and clearly suffers monetary costs, which can affect the entity’s bottom line. Reflecting on the traditional litigation system, dependent on the type of trial, for example, a civil trial, the burden of proof is rested upon the plaintiff. The plaintiff must present truthful evidence or proof to a judge or jury against the defendant. Thus, the strength of the plaintiff’s credible facts and truth must be supportive of the plaintiff’s claim and proven stronger than the defendant’s defense. Considering the requirements to support a case (plaintiff or defendant), research and costs will rise.

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