ATT Blackberry Bundle and iPhone Bundle For College Students

As of September 4, 2009 AT&T (ATT) offers a Blackberry Bundle Plan (or an iPhone Bundle) available to specific colleges and universities. (For iPhone users, simply follow the steps below, they pertain to iPhone plans as well)

Log on to your AT&T account. Navigate to Business Center in the top right navigation bar, like so:

Then, enter your provided e-mail address (from your institution).

You should receive a confirmation e-mail, That looks similar to the following:

Now, as a "Premiere" consumer, click "Shop Now" and you can choose much cheaper bundles and may have the opportunity to upgrade your handset device with better savings relative to regular consumer accounts.
If you get the following alert after entering your information at the following page, such as "The mobile number entered does not match the Foundation Account Number (FAN) associated with this account group's site" below, you can give them a call at 1 (866) 499-8008, and press option #4, then press option # 4 again, to speak to a "Premiere" representative.

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